

[原创] 学Excel,会English-20110111

热度 1已有 1027 次阅读2011-1-11 10:57 |个人分类:原创|

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Ten useful expresssions in daily course!

1. Excel 2010 worksheets have 16,384 columns and 1,048,576 rows.

Do the arithmetic (16,384×1,048,576), and you’ll see that a worksheet has 17,179,869,184 cells. If you entered a single digit into each cell at the relatively rapid clip of one cell per second, it would take you over 500 years, nonstop, to fill up a worksheet。

Excel 工作表中有16,384列,1048576行,计算一下这两者的乘积,你就会发现一个工作表中有170亿个单元格。如果你快速以每秒在一个单元格输入一个数字的话,你将要花费500年的时间才能将整个表格填满。

2 By default, every new workbook starts out with three worksheets. You can easily add a new sheet when necessary, so you really don’t need to start with three sheets. You may want to change this default to a single sheet. To change this option, choose the File-Options command, click the General tab, and change the setting for the option labeled Include This Many Sheets.


3 A Smart Tag is a small icon that appears automatically in your worksheet after you complete certain actions. Clicking a Smart Tag (or pressing Ctrl) reveals several options.

智能标签是一个小的图标,他自动出现在你完成某个操作之后,通过点击智能标签(或者按住 Ctrl键),将会出现很多选项。

4 To copy a cell without incrementing, drag the fill handle at the lower-right corner of the selection; or, press Ctrl+D to copy down or Ctrl+R to copy to the right.


5 To insert the current date, press Ctrl+; (semicolon). To enter the current time into a cell, press Ctrl+Shift+;

插入当前时间快捷键 ctrl+分号(;), 插入当前时间快捷键 Ctrl+Shift+分号(;)。

6 A Sparkline is a chart that occupies a single cell. Sparklines are usually used in groups to provide a quick overview of trends in your data.


7 This method might sound a bit tedious, but it’s actually very efficient once you get the hang of it.


8. If the workbook name or sheet name in the reference includes one or more spaces, you must enclose it (and the sheet name) in single quotation marks.
如果引用的工作薄或者工作表名称中含有多个空格符,你应该用但引号将它括起来如  =’[Budget Analysis.xlsx]Sheet1’!A1+A1

9 The minus sign serves as a negation operator, and has a higher precedence than all other operators。

减号作为负号,具有比其他运算符更高的优先级别。如=-3^2 结果是9.

10 Simply accepting the correction proposed in the dialog box is tempting, but be careful.


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